
702 Chapter 8
Command Definitions SP-Z
If vstorefile is not supplied and the RESTORESET option is not used, then
VSTORE creates a default file name. The default file name is the user's
logon username. No file equation is used.
Sequential and parallel devices are specified with the RESTORESET option.
Similarly, magneto-optical devices are specified using the MOSET option.
You should not specify vstorefile when using RESTORESET or MOSET.
A disk file can also be specified with a file equation for vstorefile. An
example of such a file equation would be:
Note that DEV=DISC must be specified for VSTORE to verify files from disk
backups. All other information in the file equation will be ignored by
NOTE TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup must be used to create disk
filesetlist Specifies the set of files to be verified. The default depends on the user's
capability, as shown below:
Default Capability
@ None
@.@ Account manager (AM)
@.@.@ System Manager and/or System Supervisor (OP)
The is parameter has the form shown below:
where filesetitem can be ˆindirectfile or fileset.
indirectfile A file name that backreferences a disk file. The syntax is ˆindirectfile or
!indirectfile. This file may consist of fileset(s) and option(s), but only options
can appear after the first semicolon (:) on each line. An option specified on
one line will operate on all files in the filesetlist. ˆindirectfile is the preferred
format. If you use !indirectfile, the CI will interpret this as a variable
reference, so you will have to specify !!indirectfile instead.
fileset Specifies a set of files to be verified, and optionally those files to be
excluded from the VSTORE operation. The fileset parameter has the form:
Any file that matches filestovstore will be verified unless the file also
matches a filestoexclude, which specifies files that are to be excluded from
the VSTORE operation. You may specify an unlimited number of
Since "-" is a valid character for HFS syntax file names, a blank character
must separate it from HFS file sets to obtain the special negative file set