374 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
Sends a request to the system to reserve a volume set (keep it online). The set must be
online in order to have the command take effect. (Native Mode)
MOUNT[{ * volumesetname }][.groupname[.acctname] ] [ ;GEN=[ genindex]]
* or <blank> Specifies the home volume set for the group and account specified, or for
the logon group and account if groupname or groupname.acctname is not
volume- setname An artificial component of a volume set name used to maintain backward
compatibility with MPE V/E. The volumesetname can be a maximum of 8
groupname Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. The groupname can be a
maximum of 8 characters.
acctname Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. The acctname can be a
maximum of 8 characters.
genindex A value from -1 to 32,767 specifying which generation of the home volume
set is to be reserved. A value of -1 indicates that any generation is
permitted. If omitted, the system ignores the generation when attempting
to satisfy the MOUNT request.
Operation Notes
The MOUNT command reserves a specific volume set for use. It notifies the system that the
volume set is to remain online and is not to be taken offline by a VSCLOSE command.
Volume sets in MPE/iX are not tied to groups and accounts. This is different from the MPE
V/E scheme of disk partitioning.
The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from the MPE V/E naming
convention for private volumes. MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination
of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must
begin with an alphabetic character and consist of no more than 32 characters.
Table 5-5 illustrates the differences between the MPE/iX and MPE V/E naming
conventions for volume sets.