
Chapter 8 625
Command Definitions SP-Z
data has been printed before suspending. Depending on both the content of
the data and the amount of buffering, this may require a significant part of a
page or even several pages.
The spooler process notifies you via the following message
that it has processed the command:
IOutput spooler, LDEV ldev:
Received a command while outputting a file
If a spooler process is suspended in the middle of a spool file and the file is
not retained by the spooler, a page number is saved in the spool file's file
label extension (FLABX). This page number is either the last complete
page that was printed (if no OFFSET was specified) or one page prior to
that specified by the final OFFSET applied to the file (with a lower limit of
0). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output
resumes at the page following the page saved in the FLABX.
RESUME The RESUME option resumes a suspended spooler process and is therefore
valid only for output spoolers. The spooler must be in the SUSPEND state. If
the spooler retains a spool file when it is suspended (meaning the KEEP
option was specified or taken by default), and the spool file is not
subsequently released, the OFFSET option is valid. If no offset is specified
with either the earlier SUSPEND or the present RESUME, then output
resumes where it left off. If an OFFSET is specified at either time (or both),
the spooler resumes at the final location indicated by the offsets. If OFFSET
is specified and the spooler does not have a retained file, a warning is
generated and the spooler prints the next available spool file from the
RELEASE The RELEASE parameter directs a suspended output spooler to close
(release) a spool file that it is currently retaining due to an earlier
SUSPEND ;KEEP option. It is invalid and generates a warning if used in
any other context. The OFFSET option may be used to change the
resumption point of the file the next time it is selected for printing.
When the file is released by the spooler, a page number is saved in the
spool file's file label extension (FLABX). This page number is either the
last complete page that was printed (if no OFFSET was specified) or one
page prior to that specified by the final OFFSET applied to the file (with a
lower limit of 0). The next time the file is selected for printing by any
spooler, output resumes at the page following the page saved in the
FINISH Directs the spooler to complete the currently active spool file and then
suspend or stop. This option may be used only in conjunction with the
SUSPEND or STOP options. If it is used in any other context, a warning is
issued and the FINISH option is ignored. The FINISH parameter may not
be used with either the KEEP/NOKEEP or OFFSET parameters.
The FINISH option is not valid for spooled input devices.