632 Chapter 8
Command Definitions SP-Z
If the file name or set is not fully qualified, the default is the user's current
logon group and account. In batch mode, if any file in the set has a
lockword, it must be supplied with the command. Therefore, the file cannot
be part of a set that contains wildcards. This restriction does not apply in
interactive mode because the system prompts the user for each required
lockword. In any case, if the lockword is not correctly provided, the print
option on that file fails with a warning message, and the command
continues on the rest of the files, if any.
select-eq The selection equation is used as a filter on the set of spool files selected.
Only spool files whose attributes satisfy all filter requirements are listed.
For example, you use the following command to delete all the output spool
files to which you have access and that have less than 100 pages from
Begin and end selection equations with square brackets, as shown in the
preceding example.
The following command prints the output spool files to which you have
access with a priority greater than 2 and that were created before
September 30, 1994.
Selection equations have the following format. In this display, when the
expression is expanded, interpret the symbol ::= as "can be replaced by."
select-eq ::=[equation]
equation ::={ parm {>>=<<=<>=}value (equation)NOT
equation equation { AND OR } equation }
In a selection equation, the logical operator AND takes precedence over the logical operator
OR. For example, suppose you enter this command:
In this example, [FILEDES=REPT OR OWNER=BOB.ACCTG AND PRI>8] is the same as
value ::= Appropriate values per data type. For example, STATE=READY or PRI>6.
parm ::= The parameter (parm) may be one of several attributes of the spool file to be used
as filters. The parm choices are described below.
• parm ::= DEV: LDEV number, device name, or device class name. You may use wildcards
for device name and device class name.
• parm ::= FILEDES: Formal or actual file designator for the spool file. You may use
For example, if you enter the file equation below and print to it, EPOCLONG will be the
spool file's FILEDES.