Chapter 7 581
Command Definitions S-SO
Displays status information about jobs/sessions.
SHOWJOB[ [ #] Snnn [#]Jnnn STATUS SCHED item[;item[ ;...] ] ] [ ;*listfile]
[ ;JOBQ]
#Snnn The session number (assigned by MPE/iX) of the session for which the
status information is to be displayed. The information appears in Type I
format, described under "Operation Notes." Default is that the status
information for all jobs/sessions is displayed.
#Jnnn The job number (assigned by MPE/iX) of the job for which status
information is to be displayed. The information is in Type I format,
described under "Operation Notes." Default is that the status information
for all jobs/sessions is displayed.
STATUS Lists the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state and the
current jobfence and job/session limits. This information is in Type II
format, described under "Operation Notes." Default is that the status
information for all job/sessions is displayed.
SCHED Displays only the scheduled jobs. The information is in Type III format,
described under "Operation Notes."
item A list of jobs/sessions whose status is displayed. Default is that the status
information for all jobs/sessions is displayed. The syntax appears below.
*listfile Formal file designator of the file on which the output listing is written. A
backreference to a FILE equation is required. The listfile is a temporary file
with record size of 256 bytes, blocked one record per block, with
carriage-control (CCTL), with the time and date displayed. You can
override the default characteristics of listfile with the FILE command.
Default is $STDLIST.
JOBQ Which will indicate the queue name to which the job belongs. A new field
JOBQ is added into the showjob output format.
Syntax for Item
[JOB={ @J | @S | @ [ @,] username.acctname [ jsname,] username.acctname }]
[;{INTRO | EXEC | SUSP | WAIT[ ‘N | ,D]}]