Chapter 8 659
Command Definitions SP-Z
provides the ability to restrict, or enhance the creation of directory
information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in
conjunction with the ONVS option, only those accounting structures on the
specified volume sets are stored.
Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.
volumesetname A volume set name specified for the ONVS option. This volume set may be a
split volume set. However, the files will be stored from the user volumes,
not the backup volumes. If the files are in use for writing, they will not be
SPLITVS "Split volume set." Specifies that only files in the filesetlist that reside on
the backup volumes belonging to the specified split volume set are to be
stored. The files may be concurrently in use while they are being stored,
since users can only access files on the user volumes.
The following example stores the files on a split volume set called,
A set name included for the ONVS.. option cannot be
specified for the ``SPLITVS option. However, SPLITVS and ONVS
can be both used in the same STORE command with different volume set
names. The SPLITVS option also provides the ability to restrict, or
enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the
DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the SPLITVS option,
only the accounting structures on the specified split volume set are stored.
Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.
split_setname A split volume set name specified for the SPLITVS option. This volume set
must be a mirrored volume set which was split through VSCLOSE; SPLIT.
RENAME Renames the file, group, account, and optionally, specifies a new creator for
each entry in a fileset. STORE will rename the files while creating the "file
candidate list", which is a list of files created by examination of the fileset
parameter of the STORE command.
The targetname syntax is used to specify the new target name for the
fileset. For more details on the use of RENAME, refer to the Store and
Turbostore Manual.
TREE Forces each fileset to be scanned recursively. This is equivalent to using
the trailing slash (/) in an HFS name. The TREE option yields a recursive
scan in the hierarchical directory. This option is mutually exclusive with
the NOTREE option.
NOTREE Forces each HFS syntax fileset to not be scanned recursively. The NOTREE
option yields a horizontal cut in the hierarchical directory. The NOTREE
option is mutually exclusive with TREE.