
Chapter 8 681
Command Deļ¬nitions SP-Z
Sends a message to another session.
TELL{ [ #] Snnn [ sessionname,] username.acctname @@.acctname @S}[[;] text ]
[#]Snnn The session number as assigned by MPE/iX. This session number receives
the TELL message.
[sessionname] username. acctname The name of the session or user to receive the message,
and the account name to which the message is directed. This parameter is
the same as the session identity entered with the HELLO command.
Issuing a SHOWJOB command lists all the username.acctnames to which
you may direct a TELL message. Sessions with an active SETMSG OFF
command are listed as being in QUIET mode and do not receive your TELL
message. This is also true for a session on the system console. If several
users are running under the same session identity, MPE/iX sends the
message to all of them.
@ All sessions.
@.acctname All sessions under the account name established by the system manager.
@S All sessions. This is the same as the @ parameter.
text Message text, preceded by a space or a semicolon (;) and consisting of any
string of ASCII characters. The default is that no text is printed; however,
MPE/iX still prints the FROM message as follows:
Operation Notes
This command transmits a message from the sender's job or session to one or more
sessions currently running. The message appears on the receiving session list device.
Messages sent with this command may include escape and control characters that invoke
bells or inverse video. If a message is sent to a terminal that is currently interacting with a
program, MPE/iX queues the message as high as possible among the current input/output
requests but does not interrupt any read or write in progress. If the session or user
designated to receive the message is not running, or if the job is spooled, the transmitting
job/session receives a system message indicating this. MPE/iX blocks the TELL command if
the receiving device is operating in the QUIET mode (refer to the SETMSG command) and
informs the sender with:
Snnn username.acctname NOT ACCEPTING MESSAGES
You cannot send TELL messages to a job or to yourself. If you try to send a message to a job,
the following warning is issued: