Appendix A 723
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX
HPSUSAN R I unique serial number assigned at the
factory to each system for use by software
unique serial
number assigned
to your system at
HPSUSPJOBS R I current number of jobs in SUSP state
numbers of jobs in
SUSP state at logon
HPSYSNAME W S name of computer system (user-definable) null string (" ")
HPTIMEF R S current formatted time logon time
HPTIMEOUT W I PL number of minutes for CI reads (<=0 means
no timeout). When this expires on a CI
read, session is logged off.
HPTYPEAHEAD W B indicates whether or not typeahead is
turned on; the BYE or SETVAR commands
reset this variable to FALSE.
HPUSER R S current user name logon user
HPUSERCAP R I current user's capability mask logon user caps
HPUSERCAPF R S current user's formatted capability mask,
for example, "IA,BA,PH"
logon user caps
HPUSERCMDEPTH R I PL number of nested UDCs and/or command
HPUSERCOUNT R I number of current online users 0 if user-based
pricing is not
otherwise the
number of current
HPUSERLIMIT R I limit of number of online users -1 if user-based
pricing is not
otherwise the user
limit number
HPVERSION R S MPE/iX version id (v.uu.ff) current MPE/iX
HPWAITJOBS R I current number of jobs waiting number of jobs
waiting at logon
HPYEAR R I last two digits of the current year logon year number
JCW W JCW job control word (variable) zero
Variable Type
Definition Initial Value