492 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
SECURITY For MPE format listing, causes SHOW to display the creator
and the file access matrix for all the files which do not
have an active ACD. For files with active ACDs only, the
phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.
For HFS format listing, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* or
*ACD ABSENT* is displayed, depending on whether the
file has an ACD.
PATH Forces all file listings to be in HFS format. Full HFS
pathnames are displayed instead of MPE style names.
OFFLINE Sends another copy of the SHOW output to the formal file
designator OFFLINE, which defaults to device LP.
ONERROR Tells RESTORE what to do if there is a tape read error. If you omit this
parameter, then the default option is QUIT for labeled and unlabeled tapes.
ONERR is a synonym for ONERROR.
QUIT Tells RESTORE to abort after a tape read error.
SKIP Tells RESTORE to perform a file-skip-forward past a tape
error, resynchronize, and resume reading from the tape.
FULL Tells RESTORE to restore a file even if a media error
occured while reading the file's data. SM or OP capability
is required to specify this option. A file can be partially
restored, with "holes" where missing data would be.
Warnings are issued on the RESTORE listings for all files
that are partially restored. In the summary of files
restored at the end of the listing, there is a total count of
all partially restored files.
The use of this option could lead to corrupted copies of
files. You should only use it as a last resort, when there is
no other way to recover file data. It should NEVER be used
as the default ONERROR option.
LOCAL Specifies that files will be restored regardless of the system's directory
structure. The files will be restored in the user's current working directory.
The creator will be changed to the current user.
GROUP= groupname Specifies that the files being restored will be restored to an existing
group identified as groupname. If you specify LOCAL, you cannot specify
ACCOUNT= accountname Specifies that the files being restored will be restored to an existing
account identified as accountname. If you specify LOCAL, you cannot specify
CREATE Allows you to restore files whose group, account, or creator does not yet
exist in the system's directory. The account and groups will be created with
default capabilities.