660 Chapter 8
Command Definitions SP-Z
TORY Specifies that STORE should create a disc file that contains the backup
media label and directory information. This file will be placed in the
store_dirs directory of the HPSTORE.SYS group
(/SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/). If this path does not exist, the directory
file will not be created. The disc directory file can help to speed up the
recovery process, particularly if ONLINE=END was used to create the
backup. Because of this, this option is automatically enabled if
ONLINE=END is specified.
All disc directory files are created with a file name that uniquely identifies
the backup. The format is:
where yyyymmdd represents the day the backup was started, hhmmssstt
represents the time the backup was started, pin## is the pin number of the
process that created the backup, and day is a three letter abbreviation of
the day of the week the backup was started.
storedirname If specified, a symbolic link will be created with the filename specified.
This link will point to the disc directory file created in
/SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs. This allows the user to associate a more
meaningful name to the disc directory file. The name can be specified in
either MPE or HFS format. If it is not fully qualified, it will be fully
qualified using the CWD. If the disc directory file could not be created,
then then symbolic link will also not be created.
TORY Specifies that STORE should not create a disc file containing the backup
directory. This is the default unless ONLINE=END is specified. Use this
option with ONLINE=END to prevent STORE from creating the disc
directory file.
PART[IAL]DB Allows RESTORE to restore individual database dataset files without
specifying the database's root or DBCon file.
Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a
backup. Be sure that you only want to restore certain database files before
overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB.
STATISTICS Displays extra statistics about the backup. These include: amount of data
written to each piece of media in each parallel set, amount of time required
for each piece of media, throughput for each piece of media, and retries for
each piece of media. If software compression is used, then the amount of
compressed data and the compression ratio for each media is displayed. If
an online backup is performed, the amount of log data written is displayed.
INTER Specifies that file interleaving is to be used, which provides a higher disk
data rate. Interleaving is accomplished by reading from several disk drives
(files) simultaneously. The file data is blocked together and then stored to
the specified device(s). The effect is to accelerate the store process.
INTER cannot be used with the TRANSPORT option.