494 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
filegroupname The file sharing group name which will be the new gid for all files being
restored. If this parameter is not specified then the gid on the media is
KEEP If a file on the RESTORE media has the same name as a file already
residing on the disk, KEEP instructs the system to preserve the file on the
disk and to skip over the file on the RESTORE media. The file on tape is
not restored and the file on the disk remains as it was.
If you do not specify KEEP, then the file on the RESTORE media replaces
the identically named file on the disk. The only exception is if the file on
the disk is being accessed when RESTORE attempts to replace it. In that
case, RESTORE preserves the file on the disk (as if you had specified KEEP)
and skips over the file on the backup.
NOKEEP Instructs the system to restore every file on the tape, even if it has the
same name as a file already residing on the disk. This is the default.
NEWDATE or OLDDATE STORE and RESTORE maintain four times and dates for each file: the
creation date, modification date, last access date, and the state change
date. NEWDATE changes all dates and times to the date and time that
RESTORE was executed. OLDDATE retains all dates and times from the date
of the store procedure. The default is NEWDATE.
DIRECTORY Instructs RESTORE to restore all the volume set directories on the media.
You must have system supervisor (OP) or system manager (SM) capability
to use this parameter. All HFS directories on the media will also be
PROGRESS Instructs RESTORE to report its progress at regular intervals by displaying
the message RESTORE OPERATION IS nnn% COMPLETE. For interactive
users, this message is displayed on $STDLIST. For jobs, this message is
sent to the system console.
minutes A positive number specifying the number of minutes between progress
messages. The maximum is 60. The default is 1 (one) minute.
LISTDIR This option may not be specified with any other option, other than
DIRECTORY. It displays information from the tape directory and tape
label, but does not restore any files. The type of tape created, the record
size, and any files that match your filesetlist are displayed. If specified
with DIRECTORY, the names of the all volume set directories and all HFS
directories on the media are also displayed. The security restrictions that
apply to filesetlist also apply here. The output goes to SYSLIST.
The LISTDIR option applies only to NMSTORE tapes. It cannot be used
for MPEv format tapes.
FCRANGE The set of file code ranges that are to be restored.
filecode/filecode A file code range. A filecode is an integer between -32768 and 32767.
FCRANGE=1000/1040 would restore only those files having file codes
between 1000 and 1040. You may specify a maximum of eight file code