Chapter 8 615
Command Definitions SP-Z
newfile Actual file designator of the file created by merging textfile and masterfile.
This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is SPLNEW. Default is
that no file is written.
NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLUSL,
SPLLIST, SPLMAST, and SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file
designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to
the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE
quotedstring A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of single quotation
marks (apostrophes) or by double quotations marks. If you want a
quotation to appear within quotedstring, the quotation and its quotation
marks must also be bounded by quotation marks. For example, to insert
"and" into a quotedstring, it must appear as ""and"". Similarly, 'and'
must appear as ""and"". The maximum length of the string, including
delimiters, is 255 characters. Refer to "Operation Notes."
For SPL to recognize quotedstring, a dollar sign ($) must follow the
quotation marks at the beginning of the quotedstring. This feature is used
to specify compiler options which appear at the beginning of the source
listing. For more information, refer to the Systems Programming
Language Reference Manual (30000-90024).
Operation Notes
This command compiles an SPL program into a user subprogram library (USL) file on
disk. If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your
standard input device. If listfile is not specified, the program output is sent to your
standard list device.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program, but not in BREAK. Pressing
Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues
the execution.
The following example compiles an SPL program entered from your standard input device
into an object program in the USL file $OLDPASS, and writes the listing to your standard
list device:
The next example compiles an SPL program contained into the disk file SOURCE and stores
the object code into the USL file OBJECT. The program listing is sent to the disk file