Chapter 1 23
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
BBASICOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode.
BBASICPREP Compiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility
BBXL Initiates execution of the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter.
BBXLCOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
BBXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
BBXLLK Compiles and links an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
CCXL Compiles an HP C/iX program.
CCXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an HP C/iX program.
CCXLLK Compiles and links an HP C/iX program.
COB74XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1974 ANSI standard
entry point and creates an object file.
COB74XLG Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the
ANSI 1974 standard entry point.
COB74XLK Compiles and links an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1974 ANSI
standard entry point.
COB85XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1985 ANSI standard
entry point and creates an object file.
COB85XLG Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the
ANSI 1985 standard entry point.
COB85XLK Compiles and links an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1985 ANSI
standard entry point.
COBOLII Compiles a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74
COBOLIIGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode COBOLII program
on the COBOL 74 compiler.
COBOLIIPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the
COBOL 74 compiler.
FORTGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V
FORTPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FORTRAN Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FTN Compiles a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program.
FTNGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN
77/V program.
FTNPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V