566 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
Displays status information about the ALLOCATE command.
ALLOCATE [ ,[ fileset][,listfile]]
ALL[ ,[ fileset][,listfile]] ]
STATUS Request to display a summary of status information includes:
(1)Number of programs allocated;
(2)Size and percentage of utilization of the following system tables:
Code segment table, code segment extension block table, and loader
segment table.
ALLOCATE Request to display programs for ALLOCATE specified by fileset, and the
number of users sharing each program.
ALL Request to display all information provided by parameters: STATUS and
ALLOCATE and the default.
fileset Specifies the set of files to be searched for. Default is @.@.@. This
parameter is of the form:
fileset can be entered in any of the following formats and may use wild card
characters, in any order, as replacements.
file.group.account SHOWALLOCATE file named in specified group and account.
file.group SHOWALLOCATE specified file named in any group and any account.
file SHOWALLOCATE specified file named in any group and any account.
@.group.account SHOWALLOCATE all files in specified group and account.
@.@.account SHOWALLOCATE all files in all groups in specified account.
@.@.@ SHOWALLOCATE all files in system and default.
@ SHOWALLOCATE all files in all groups in all accounts.
@.group SHOWALLOCATE all files in specified group in any account.
file.@.account SHOWALLOCATE specified file in any group of specified account.
NOTE The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wild card characters in the fileset
parameter. These wild card characters have the following meanings: @
specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters.