284 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
When you first access an MPE/iX system to log on, the MPE iX: prompt is displayed. When
you log off using the BYE command, the following message is displayed:
CPU=1. CONNECT=1. THU, DEC 8, 1994, 1:50 PM
The RELEASE: V.UU.FF number in the logon banner is determined by Hewlett-Packard
at operating system build time and provides an identity for software releases (also known
as the MIT). This number may not be changed. (Prior to MPE/iX release A.11.70, this was
referred to as BASE.)
The USER VERSION: V.UU.FF can be assigned a value during a SYSGEN and allows you
to identify any changes to your total software package such as patch level, third party
software, or other specifics. Any ASCII character can be used. In prior releases, this
number was printed out immediately after the MPE/iX product number HP31900.
The PRODUCT V.UU.FF, which now immediately follows the product number HP31900, is
determined by Hewlett-Packard when a new version of MPE/iX is compiled. This V.UU.FF
number cannot be changed and is used when entering a service request (SR) against the
MPE/iX operating system product for that particular release.
If the system operator has set up a welcome message, it is displayed after the MPE/iX
verification of your logon.
The session number assigned by MPE/iX uniquely identifies your session to MPE/iX and to
other users. MPE/iX assigns such numbers to sessions in sequential order as they are
logged on. If you are on a modem and do not log on within the system-configured time, the
line is dropped. You must redial and press
Return again. If you are already logged on and
you issue the HELLO command, you will be logged off your current session and logged on to
a new session.
In certain instances, you may be required to furnish information in addition to the user
and account names in your HELLO command. This information includes:
• Group name
• One or more passwords
• Terminal type code
This command may be issued from a session. It may not be used from a job, program, or in
BREAK. Pressing
Break does not abort the execution of this command, but may
prematurely terminate the printing of the welcome message or the execution of any logon
UDCs. If you are already in a session, HELLO terminates that session before beginning a
new one.
Group Name
The group you select at logon for your local file domain is known as your logon group. If
your account manager has associated a home group with your username, and if you want
this group as a logon group, you need not specify it. MPE/iX automatically assigns the