Chapter 5 377
Command Definitions L-O
Creates a new account with an associated account manager and PUB group.
acctname,mgrname[ ;PASS=[ password] ] [ ;FILES=[ filespace] ] [ ;CPU=[ cpu] ] [ ;CON
NECT=[ connect]][;CAP=[ capabilitylist] ] [ ;ACCESS=[ fileaccess] ] [ ;MAXPRI=[ subq
ueuename] ] [ ;LOCATTR=[ localattribute] ] [ ;ONVS=volumesetname] [ ;GID=[ gid]][;UI
D=[ uid] ] [ ;USERPASS=[ { REQ OPT } ] ]
The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.
acctname Name to be assigned to the new account. This name must contain from one
to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
mgrname Name of the account manager. This is always the first user created under
the account. Table 5-6 lists the default capabilities assigned to an account
Table 5-6 Account Manager Default Capabilities
The attributes of an account manager may be changed with the ALTUSER
command after mgrname is defined. However, in no case is this user granted
attributes greater than those assigned the account.
password Account password, used for verifying logon access only. This password
must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with
an alphabetic character. Default is that no password is assigned.
filespace Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the account. The
maximum value you may define is 2,147,483,647 sectors. Default is
unlimited file space.
Attribute Default
password None
capabilitylist Same as the account capability
subqueuename Same as the account maximum priority
localattribute Same as account local attributes
Home Group PUB
UID A unique identifier
GID A unique identifier