Chapter 3 199
Command Definitions C-E
Table 3-3 Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - DISMOUNT Command
In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V is the name of a volume set, that G is the
name of a group, and that A is the name of an account.
MPE/iX accepts the V.G.A. name in that form, but no interpretation is made as to the
referencing of G and A. Instead, MPE/iX treats V.G.A as a single, long string name, just as
As a convenience to established HP users, MPE/iX accepts the naming convention that was
used for MPE V/E private volumes. DISMOUNT V.G.A will succeed. DISMOUNT V will
access the same volume set, provided you are logged on to account A, group G. The MPE
V/E commands are able to default the logon account and group.
However, VSRELEASE V succeeds only if a volume set V exists. The MPE/iX commands do
not call up any default specifications for group and account. VSRELEASE V.G.A succeeds
only if a volumeset V.G.A is on line. With all VSxxxxxx commands, the .G.A component of
this name is interpreted as a string, neither more nor less specific than _G _A.
If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (V.G.A), you must
use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands.
We recommend that you do no use the MPE V/E naming convention and the xxxMOUNT
commands. Instead use the MPE/iX naming convention and the VSxxxxxx commands.
Alternating between MPE V/E and MPE/iX commands may lead to confusion and, in some
cases, may lead to errors. For example, MOUNT X used in a job stream attempts to access a
volume set named X.logongrp.logonacct, which may or may not be your intention.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is
required to use this command.
Specify MPE V/E xxxMOUNT Command Accesses
MPE/iX VSxxxxxx
Command Accesses
The volume set named myset.grp.acct. The volume set named
myset The volume set named myset.logongrp.logon acct. The volume set
*.grp.acct The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error.
Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named
m_g_a The volume set named
m_g_a.logongrp.logonacct, provided it exists. If it
does not exist, an error is reported.
The volume set named