424 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Compiles, links, and executes an HP Pascal/iX program. HP Pascal/iX is not part of the HP
3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be
purchased separately. (Native Mode)
PASXLGO[ textfile][,[listfile][,[libfile] ] ] [ ;INFO=quotedstring]
textfile The name of the text file that contains the source code to be compiled. This
is an ASCII file that you prepare with an editor such as EDIT/V. The
formal file designator is PASTEXT.
If you are running HP Pascal/iX from your terminal, you will probably
specify a disk textfile. If you do not specify textfile, then the default file is
$STDIN. $STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal.
When textfile is your terminal, you can enter source code interactively in
response to the > prompt. When you have entered all the source code, type
a colon (:) in response to the > prompt to end the interactive input.
The source code to be compiled can be a program or a list of modules.
listfile The name of the file on which the compiler writes the program listing. It
can be any ASCII file. The default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the
terminal if you are running HP Pascal/iX interactively, or the printer if you
are running a batch job. The formal file designator is PASLIST.
If your terminal is both textfile and listfile, the compiler does not write the
program listing on the terminal.
If listfile is $NULL or a file other than $STDLIST, the compiler displays on
$STDLIST those lines that contain errors.
libfile The name of the HP Pascal/iX library file that the compiler searches if a
search path is not specified with the compiler option SEARCH. The default
is PASLIB in your group and account.
quotedstring A string of no more than 132 characters (including the single or double
quotation marks that enclose it).
The quotedstring string is used in the HP Pascal/iX programming language
to pass initial compiler options to the compiler. HP Pascal/iX brackets the
quotedstring string with dollar signs ($) and places the string before the first
line of source code in the text file.