
440 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
STDLIST This parameter allows the user to specify the file to be used as $STDLIST
by the program being executed. If $STDLIST is omitted, or if nothing is
specified after the equal sign, such as $STDLIST=, then $STDLIST
defaults to the job or session's standard list device. This parameter has the
same subparameters as $STDIN, but you may also specify the keyword
NEW The name to be assigned to a job/session temporary disk
file created with the system defaults. The system defaults
of the new file are fixed length ASCII 132-byte records
with a maximum file size of 1023 records.
patchsize Specifies the size of the patch area. This size applies to all segments within
the program file. The value specified must be within -1 and 16,380 words.
NOSYM Suppresses the symbolic DEBUG option. Refer to the HPToolset/V Reference
Manual for more information.
FPMAP or NOFPMAP Includes or excludes the internal PMAP information. FPMAP is a
request to have internal PMAP information included in the program.
NOFPMAP excludes PMAP information from the program when the system
FPMAP or job/session FPMAP is on. If the symbolic DEBUG option is invoked,
default is FPMAP. Otherwise, the default is NOFPMAP.
Operation Notes
The PREPRUN command prepares and executes a program compiled in a USL file. Both
relocatable (RL) and segmented (SL) libraries are searched during the preparation process
to satisfy external references.
The USL file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file, $OLDPASS,
which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter. It can be accessed only if you do not use
the default for progfile. This is because the segmenter also uses the file $OLDPASS to store
the prepared program segments, overwriting any existing temporary file of the same
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in
BREAK. Pressing
Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering RESUME
continues the execution.
To prepare and execute a program from the USL file XUSL, with no special parameters
declared, enter:
To obtain a descriptive listing of the prepared program, and a listing of the allocated
(loaded) program, enter: