Chapter 7 595
Command Definitions S-SO
An ordinary user can only see their own processes, even when jobspec is
wildcarded. For example, if the user name is JEFF.MFG and you enter the
command as shown below, then only processes for jobs logged on as
JEFF.MFG are displayed.
On the other hand, if the user STEVE.UI (who has OP or SM capability)
enters the command shown below, then all processes for all jobs on the
system are displayed.
If the user STEVE.UI only wants to see his own job processes, he must
:SHOWPROC job=@J; user
The USER option, and its counterpart option, ANYUSER, are described
The SYSTEM option is ignored for all jobspec target processes.
TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes, and can be overridden
with the NOTREE option.
SUMMARY This format displays a subset of a process' attributes. These include the
subqueue name, process priority, CPU time, execution state, associated
JOB or SESSION number, PIN (indented to show tree structure), program
name, and INFO=string, if any (or command step if the process is
CI.PUB.SYS). The INFO=string and command step information is only
visible to the system manager and to processes that belong to the user.
SUMMARY is the default format.
DETAIL This format displays a more comprehensive set of the attributes associated
with a process.
TREE This option displays each process specified, as well as all of its
descendents. TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes.
NOTREE This option displays only the process specified. No information appears for
the process's descendants. NOTREE is the default for all pinspec target
SYSTEM The SYSTEM option is required if the target process from pinspec is a
system process. It displays system processes as well as descendant user
processes. SM capability is required. SYSTEM is ignored for all jobspec
USER The USER option filters output when jobspec is wildcarded by displaying
only processes matching the user's name. USER is the default for users
without OP and SM capability.