Chapter 6 449
Command Definitions P-R
:PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@
3 FILES matched
Continue PURGE? (YES/NO) yes
3 selected. 3 succeeded. 0 failed.
• To purge multiple files interactively using wildcards
To purge a number of files, one at a time, in an interactive mode so that you can skip a
file or stop your purge, you can use the CONFIRMALL option.
:PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@; CONFIRMALL
3 FILES matched
/users/jeff/bin/FILES/file1 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) yes
/users/jeff/bin/FILES/file2 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) no
/users/jeff/bin/FILES/file3 ? (NO/YES/QUIT) yes
2 selected. 2 succeeded. 0 failed.
Type "q","quit", or press the BREAK key if you decide to stop the PURGE command
• To purge log files using wildcards
The following example shows you how to purge all log files within your current working
directory that start with log, followed by any number from 0 - 9 (#), followed by any
number of alphanumeric characters (@).
:PURGE log#@
10 FILES matched
Continue PURGE? (YES/NO) yes
10 selected. 9 succeeded. 1 failed.
Since the PURGE command does not remove the currently opened log file, the command
always returns "1 failed".
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