252 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
NOFORMIDOVERRIDE This is a sub-parameter of the chosen EACHxxx keyvalue. With this
feature selected, the Native Mode Spooler ignores any and all formids
associated with the current spoolfile or the previous spoolfile. The setting
of the DIALOG option always determines the conditions under which the
spooler process conducts the forms message dialog. The formid is then
useful only as an item in a selection equation.
NOTE The setting of (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE only affects the spooler's function
during the forms message dialog. It has no effect on the use of the FORMID
keyword in a selection equation of either the SPOOLF or LISTSPF command.
It is still possible to select a subset of all spoolfiles to alter, delete, or display
on FORMID=, regardless of the setting (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE for a given
device. They are totally independent of each other.
If the current spoolfile has no forms message but special forms are mounted
on the device, the spooler always conducts the STANDARD FORMS dialog.
SHOW Specifying this option causes the configuration for the specified devices to
be displayed. If no other parameters are used, the current configuration is
displayed. If other parameters are used, the configuration is first updated
and then displayed. If a device class is specified, the configuration for each
device in the class is displayed.
If this option is omitted, there is no display.
Operation Notes
The FORMSALIGN command can be used on a spooled or an unspooled printer, or on a
device class containing any mixture of spooled and unspooled printers. When used on a
spooled printer, the specified options become effective on the next copy selected for printing
on that device. The choices are retained until changed by another FORMSALIGN command,
even if the printer should become unspooled and a new spooler process started for it.
When used on an unspooled printer, it presently has no effect but will be retained (unless
changed by another FORMSALIGN command) and will become effective immediately upon
spooling the printer. Files which include a forms message, and which are directed to an
unspooled printer, always trigger a forms message dialog with the printer's operator. Any
formid accompanying the file is irrelevant when the file is directed to an unspooled printer.