202 Chapter 3
Command Definitions C-E
Table 3-5 Editing Directives for the DO Command
Directive Effect
i INSERT. If text follows the i, the text following i is inserted in the current line at
the position after the i.
r REPLACE. If text follows the r, the text following r replaces the same number of
characters in the current line, beginning at the position of r.
d DELETE. Deletes a character from the current line for each specified in the edit line.
Note that "d d" does not specify a range but simply deletes one character from the
position above each d. Multiple d's may be followed by an insert or replace
dw DELETE WORD. Deletes a word starting at the letter d. A word is defined as all
characters except a space, comma, or semicolon. If you place the d directly beneath
a word delimiter, then the word and the delimiter characters are deleted. If no word
exists on the command line, no delete occurs. You may follow this directive with
other edits.
ddelim DELETE TO DELIMITER. Deletes all characters starting at the position of the d and
ending at, but not including, the specified delimiter. If delim is not found, no delete
occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
d> DELETE TO EOL. Deletes to the end of the current line from the position specified
by d>. It may be followed by an INSERT or REPLACE operation.
^ UPSHIFT. Upshifts the character positioned at the ^. You may specify multiple ^
characters to upshift a series of characters. Or, you may type multiple ^ characters,
followed by spaces, then followed by more ^'s to upshift some characters while
skipping others. You may follow this directive with other edits.
^w UPSHIFT WORD. Upshifts the word starting at the position specified by ^. A word is
defined as all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon. If you place the ^
directly beneath a word delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the word is
upshifted. If no word exists on the command line, no upshift occurs. You may follow
this directive with other edits.
^delim UPSHIFT TO DELIMITER. Upshifts all characters starting at the position specified
by the ^ and ending at, but not including, the specified delimiter. If delim is not
found, no upshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
^> UPSHIFT TO EOL. Upshifts all characters starting from the position specified by
the ^ to the end of the current line. You may follow this directive with other edits.
v DOWNSHIFT. Downshifts the character positioned at the v. You may specify multiple
v's to downshift a series of characters. Or, you may type multiple v's, followed by
spaces, then followed by more v's to downshift some characters while skipping
others. You may follow this directive with other edits.
vw DOWNSHIFT WORD. Downshifts the word starting at the position specified by v. A
word is defined as all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon. If you place
the v directly beneath a word delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the word
is downshifted. If no word exists on the command line, no downshift occurs. You
may follow this directive with other edits.