Chapter 6 525
Command Definitions P-R
Stub This symbol marks an import (outbound). The Link Editor creates an
import stub for the unsatisfied code symbols, and the Loader satisfies the
reference by filling in the XRT entry allocated for this stub.
Plabl This symbol defines an export stub for a procedure for which a procedure
label has been generated. The Loader builds an XRT entry for the
procedure at the offset allocated by the Link Editor.
The XRT column specifies the entry in the XRT through which the contents of a plabel can
be located. Each entry is 32 bytes. The stub address (Stub Addr) column is the outbound
stub address. This stub accesses the XRT for the targeted export.
Export Data Symbols Section
Symbol Name Select Type Scope Size DP Addr R/W
- - - -
a YES Stor Univ 8 240.416350E0 3/3
b YES Data Univ n/a 240.41635000 3/3
The Select column indicates whether this particular export was the one chosen by the
Loader to place in the PDD.
The valid types for export data symbols are:
Data Normal initialized data. Example (a C construct): double b = 3.3;
Stor Storage. This symbol requests a data storage location of a certain size.
The scope column is always Univ-universal.
The Size column shows the number of bytes in decimal format required for the export
symbol. Space is allocated for four (4) characters only. To accommodate numbers greater
than 9999 bytes, the format changes to 10k up to 999k (999 kilobytes). The next range is
1.0m up to 9.9m (9.9 megabytes), followed by 10m to 999m (999 megabytes), and finally,
1.0g to 4.2g (4.2 gigabytes). Size information is only available for storage request types.
There is no size information available for initialized data, that is, data universals.
The DP Addr column contains the actual virtual address of the symbol, provided the Select
column is YES.
The last column gives the access rights for the symbol.
Import Data Symbols Section
Symbol Name Type Scope DXRT DXRT Addr R/W
- - - -
c Data Unsat -C 240.41634FE4 3/3
d Data Unsat -14 240.41634FEC 3/3
ANSI_MODE Data Unsat -18 240.41634FE8 3/3
a Data Unsat -10 240.41634FF0 3/3
The valid type for import data symbols is:
Data Requested import data item. Example (a C construct): extern double c
The scope column is always UnsatImport request has not been satisfied.