
Chapter 4 237
Command Definition F-K
nodespec parameter is optional; if you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet,
omitting the nodespec parameter makes no difference in the performance of
the FILE command.
However, specifying nodespec on a system that does not have NS3000/XL
produces an error. The nodespec parameter is controlled by the NS3000/XL
subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer Reference Manual
filedomain The domain of the file, which may be NEW, OLD, or OLDTEMP:
NEW Creates a new file, which is the default. The NEW file may
be permanent or temporary, depending on how the file was
created. You must use either the BUILD command or the
FOPEN or HPFOPEN intrinsic to create the file. Refer to the
BUILD command in this chapter.
OLD An existing permanent file that was saved in the system or
in a movable volume set domain. The file continues to
exist after the current job or session ends. Use this
parameter when you are creating a file equation that back
references a device link file.
OLDTEMP A temporary file that already exists in the temporary
session or job file domain. The file is deleted at the end of
the current job or session.
envname This may be a nodespec, logical device number, or an X.25 node name. The
parameter envname may consist of as many as eight alphanumeric
characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
NOTE The envname parameter is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer
System Fundamental Operating System. The NS3000/XL AdvanceNet
subsystem must be purchased separately. The envname parameter is optional:
if you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet, omitting the envname parameter
makes no difference in the performance of the FILE command.
However, specifying envname on a system that does not have NS3000/XL
produces an error. The envname parameter is controlled by the NS3000/XL
subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer Reference Manual
DEV= If you choose the DEV= option, it must be followed by at least one
parameter (the parameter can be simply #). The DEV= parameter does not
accept device names, volume classes, or volume names. The default device
class is DISC. A previously defined environment identifier is permitted in
the DEV= option, but the domain and organization qualifiers are not
device The logical device class name or logical device number of a device, such as
a disk, tape, printer, or a terminal. The default is DISC.