Chapter 6 533
Command Definitions P-R
NOTE NM and CM loader error messages are reported differently, allowing you to
determine the system in which the error occurred.
NM Loader Error: ErrMessage (``LDRERR nnnn)''
CM Loader Error: ErrMessage (``LOAD ERR nnnn)''
The RUN command is parsed by the Compatibility Mode parser unless it is implied, in which
case the Native Mode parser is used. To use the implied version of RUN simply omit the word
run and enter the name of the program along with either the INFO or PARM parameters.
Because the Native Mode parser is used with implied run you can use quotes (" or ') with
the program file name and/or the ;INFO= parameter. Also, quotes are not required if the
parameter contains no delimiter characters such as a blank, comma, semicolon,
quotemarks or equal sign. In addition, the ;INFO string can be up to 280 characters long
and the ;PARM= value can be any signed 31 bit number. Without implied RUN the ;INFO
limit is 255 characters and the ;PARM= value is limited to a signed 15 bit decimal or
unsigned 16 bit octal or hex value.
NOTE Programs whose name cannot be expressed using MPE syntax are not
allowed to have PM, MR or DS capability. Programs linked with these
capabilities cannot be loaded.
Users must have PM capability to load programs whose name cannot be
expressed using MPE syntax, with PM capability.
CM programs cannot be loaded from the HFS directory.
This command may be issued from a session or a job. It may not be issued in BREAK or
from a program, unless the user or the calling program has PH capability. Pressing
suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the
To list the references of a loaded program, enter:
To run a program stored in the program file PROG4, beginning at the entry point SECLAB,
The following example runs a program TESTPROG with $STDIN set to an old disk file
named INPUT and $STDLIST set to the line printer: