Search for a song
If you're looking for a specific song, you can use
Search for it instead of browsing the Music
menu categories.
Here's how it works:
1. Go to MyStuff.
2. Pick Music.
3. Press Menu and pick Search Catalog.
4. Pick Music as the type of item you want
to find.
5. Select Song if you're looking for a song
title, or Artist if you're looking for songs by a
particular performer.
6. Enter a description of the item.
7. Pick Search.
If you don't find it the first time, don't give up;
try again with a different description, or look in a
different category.
Using the Media Player
After you've found the songs you want to play,
use the Media Player to control playback.
Here's how it works:
• Play/Pause: Press Up to play a song. While
a song is playing, press Up to pause it; then,
to continue playing it, press Up again. If
your phone is closed, press PTT (on the
outer-left side) instead.
• Stop: Press Down to turn off the song. The
next time you play the song, it will start at
the beginning instead of picking up where
you left off.
• Next: Press Right to skip ahead to the
next song.
• Restart: Press Left to restart a song from
the beginning.
• Previous: Press Left twice to skip to the
previous song.
• Fast-Forward: Hold down Right to fast-
forward the song. If your phone is closed,
press the top button on the outer-right side
• Rewind: Hold down Left to scroll backward
in the song. If your phone is closed, press
the bottom button on the outer-right side
• Volume: Use your phone's Volume controls
to change the volume levels.
Note: When streaming a song, only the
Play/Pause, Stop, and Volume controls
are available.
Organize your songs
MyStuff includes a built-in playlist called MyList.
You can change MyList by adding, deleting, or
moving songs on your phone. If you want
multiple playlists, you can create and manage
them on your computer and then copy them
to your phone.
Add a song to MyList
Here's how it works:
1. Go to MyStuff.
2. Pick Music.
3. Find the song you want to add. (See “Pick
your songs” or “Search for a song”
for details.)
4. Press Menu.
5. Pick Add2MyList.