
8-2 Notes settings
Each folder has a Menu command, which pro-
vides the following options:
Write note — This option is available only
inside Own texts folder.
Rename — With this option you can rename
the selected subfolder or document. Memos
cannot be renamed.
Copy — If you select Copy, you can choose a
folder into which the document is copied.
Move — You can move documents from one
folder to another. Memos cannot be moved.
Create folder — This option allows you to
make a new subfolder.
To read a document in any of the above folders:
Select a folder and press Open.
Select a document from the folder’s docu-
ment list and press Open.
When you open a document, the document is
opened in the appropriate editor or viewer
(received faxes are opened in the fax viewer,
downloaded figures in the image viewer, etc.).
The available commands vary according to the
If the opened document is very large (dozens of
pages), the time required before the document
opens and can be scrolled or edited is longer
than with smaller documents.
Documents that open in the Note editor can be
directly edited and formatted. To format the text,
press Style. The following options are available:
Font URW Roman / URW Sans (default) /
URW Mono (true type fonts)
Size 10 / 12 (default)/ 14 / 18 / 24 / 36 /
User defined (measured in points)
Bold (Ctrl-B) On / Off (default)
Italics (Ctrl-I) On / Off (default)
Underlined (Ctrl-U) — On / Off (default)
Justification — Left (default) / Centered /
Right / Full
Margins — Opens a new view where you can
choose a value (default is 2.54 centimeters/
1 inch) for the top, left, right and bottom
margins. The unit of measurement is chosen
in the System settings (see Chapter 10 "Sys-
tem: System settings" on page 10-1).
A new style setting affects all new text from the
cursor point forward. The margin settings, how-
ever, apply to the whole document. To change
the settings permanently, you must do it in the
main view settings (see Chapter 10 "System:
System settings" on page 10-1).
Created and downloaded
All created documents, as well as downloaded
and captured texts (see Chapter 7 "Internet:
Connecting to WWW" on page 7-13, and ”Text
transfers” on page 7-17), can be opened in the
Notes editor.
Read-only documents
Received e-mail and ASCII text files (transferred
to the communicator with the File transfer ap-
plication, see Chapter 10 "System: File transfer"
on page 10-7) are read-only documents. Read-
only documents themselves cannot be edited,
but an editable copy can be created:
Open a read-only document – the contents
are shown as plain ASCII text.
In the opened read-only document, press any
character key. You will be asked if you want
to create an editable copy.
ƒ Press Create to close the original file and
copy its contents to a new, created text file.
DOS file will be deleted after an editable copy
has been created.
Edit the new created note normally.