The following options are available by [5] (Options).
The options menu varies in an open PowerPoint
depending on which of the 4 views you are using.
Collapse slide
Expand slide
Collapse all
Expand all
Edit slide
Toggle Screen Toggle screen in outline, notes, and slide view.
Edit >
In outline view, you can edit the entry, insert and delete
slides. In notes view, you can edit the entry.
Outline > In outline view, expand and collapse one or all slides.
Navigate > In all views, move to next or previous page or slide.
Goto > Go to another view.
Pitch > Start or stop pitch device.
In outline or notes view, print document by sending it via
Bluetooth or infrared.
Exit >
In thumb view, choose Close and save, Close and
save as or Close and discard for documents that have
been edited.
Note: Animation, multimedia, or embedded objects in Microsoft
documents cannot be displayed on the phone. If a file
containing animation, multimedia or embedded objects is edited and saved
on the phone, then the non-text material may not be saved.
View Action Keypress