To remove the member from the group:
In Groups tab:
1. [192] to scroll to the desired group 7 [0]
2. [192] to scroll to the desired name 7 [5] (Options)
3. [192] to scroll to Remove from group 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
Managing Groups
z Main menu > Contacts
1. [394] to switch to Groups tab
2. [192] to scroll to the desired group 7 [5] (Options)
3. [192] to scroll to the required option 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
Seeing if a person belongs to a group
z Main menu > Contacts
1. [192] to scroll to the desired Contacts card 7 [5] (Options)
2. [192] to scroll to Belongs to groups 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
Adding a person to a group
z Main menu > Contacts
1. [192] to scroll to the desired Contacts card 7 [5] (Options)
2. [192] to scroll to Add to groups 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
3. [192] to scroll to the desired group 7 [0]9[5] (Add)
Open View group.
Delete Delete group.
Rename Rename group.
Ringing tone Choose the ringing tone.