Voice tags
When your phone is set to a language that is not available in Voice
commands, Voice tags allows you to record names and related
phone numbers and store them in memory. That you can dial these
numbers using Voice commands.
Recording voice tags
1. Press and hold [q]
If you are using this feature for the first time, the phone displays
a message that no voice tags are recorded.
2. [0]9[5] (OK) to select Add voice tag
3. After the text prompt to say a name, say a name that you will
say each time you wish to call this person
The phone will repeat the name.
4. To confirm: [5] (Yes)
To record it again: [6] (No)
5. After you have confirmed, enter the number to dial 7 [5] (OK)
Dialling a number using a voice tag
1. Press and hold [q]
2. After the text prompt asking who you would like to call, say a
name of a voice tag you have recorded
The phone will begin dialling the number assigned to the voice tag.
Note: Voice tags appears only when your phone is set to a language that is
not available in Voice commands.