Call Functions 32
Voice Commands
• Reset VoiceMode: Erases any VoiceMode enrollment data that is currently
stored. If you have not adapted VoiceMode, this option is grayed out.
• Tutorial: Displays the VoiceMode tutorial.
• About: Displays information about VoiceSignal including version number, build
number, and device number.
You can also access the VoiceSignal Settings menu by following these steps:
1. From the main screen, press and hold the key.
2. Press the right soft key Settings.
3. Use the navigation keys to select the setting you want to change.
Adapting VoiceSignal
Voice dialing works well for most people without special adaptation. However,
people with strong accents or unique voice characteristics may receive better results
after adapting the system to match their voices.
You should adapt Digit Dial only if the system is frequently unable to recognize your
speech. After you adapt Digit Dial, your phone is customized to your voice, and your
voice only. Others will not be able to use it reliably unless they reset the phone to
factory defaults.
Adaptation involves recording several digit sequences to adapt the system to the
unique properties of your voice. The adaptation process takes about three minutes.
Tips for adapting Digit Dial
Adapt digits in a quiet place.
• Make sure you wait for the beep before starting to speak.
• Speak clearly, and say each digit distinctly.
• If you make a mistake while recording a sequence of digits, or if there is an
unexpected noise that spoils the recording, re-record that sequence.
• Only adapt digits if you regularly have problems with digit dialing. Once adapted,
digit dialing will not work as well for other people using your phone.
• Adapt Digit Dial to your voice.
Digit Dial Adaptation
To access the Adapt Digits menu, follow these steps:
1. From the main screen, press MENU. Use the navigation key to
highlight SETTINGS & TOOLS and press .
2. Press Phone Settings, then Voice Commands.
3. Press Voice Settings, then Digit Dialing.