102 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 4: PARTGen
PARTGen Input Files
PARTGen does not have any user input files.
PARTGen Output Files
PARTGen outputs two file types: partlist and PKG. Partlist and PKG files are produced
with the -p and -v command line options. The -p option generates a terse version of the file,
while the -v option generates a verbose version of the file.
Partlist files are generated in both ASCII and XML formats.
Following are output file types produced by PARTGen:
• XCT file—Partlist file in ASCII format that contains detailed information about
architectures and devices. See the “Partlist File” section for a detailed description of
this file type.
• PKG files—ASCII formatted files that correlate IOBs with output pin names. PKG files
are in XACT package format, which is a set of columns of information about the pins
of a particular package. The -p option generates a three column entry describing the
pins. The -v option adds five more columns of descriptive pin information.See the
“PKG File” section for a detailed description of this file type.
• XML file—Partlist file in XML format.
PARTGen Options
This section describes the command line options and how they affect the behavior of
–arch (Print Information for Specified Architecture)
–arch architecture_name
The –arch option prints a list of devices, packages, and speeds for a specified architecture
that has been installed.
Valid entries for architecture_name and the corresponding device product name are listed in
the following table:
Table 4-1: Values for architecture_name
Corresponding Device
Product Name
virtex Virtex
virtex2 Virtex-II
virtex2p Virtex-II Pro
virtexe Virtex-E
virtex4 Virtex-4
virtex5 Virtex-5
spartan2 Spartan-II