300 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 18: CPLDfit
CPLDfit Syntax
Following is the command line syntax for running the CPLDfit program:
cpldfit infile.ngd [options]
options can be any number of the CPLDfit options listed in the “CPLDfit Options” section
of this chapter. They do not need to be listed in any particular order. Separate multiple
options with spaces.
CPLDfit Input Files
CPLDfit takes the following file as input:
• NGD file—Native Generic Database file output by NGDBuild. This file contains a
logical description of the design expressed both in terms of the hierarchy used when
the design was first created and in terms of lower-level Xilinx primitives to which the
hierarchy resolves.
CPLDfit Output Files
CPLDfit outputs the following files:
• VM6 file—This file is the default output file from CPLDfit and the input file to the
Hprep6 and TAEngine programs. See Chapter 21, “Hprep6” and Chapter 20,
“TAEngine” for more information.
• GYD file—This file is the optional guide file generated by CPLDfit, which contains
pin freeze information as well as the placement of internal equations from the last
successful fit.
• RPT file—This file is the CPLDfit report file, which contains a resource summary,
implemented equations, device pinout as well as the compiler options used by
• XML file—This file is used to generate an HTML report.
• PNX file—This file is used by the IBISWriter program to generate an IBIS model for
the implemented design.
• CXT file—This file is used by the XPower program to calculate and display power
consumption. It is not available for XC9500/XL/XV devices.
• MFD file—This file is used by the ChipViewer GUI program and HTML Reports to
generate a graphical representation of the design implementation.