Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 259
BitGen Input Files
pcf_file is the name of a physical constraints file. BitGen uses this file to interpret CONFIG
constraints, which control bitstream options. These CONFIG constraints override default
behavior and can be overridden by configuration options. See “–g (Set Configuration).”
BitGen automatically reads the .pcf file by default. If the PCF is the second file specified on
the command line, it must have a .pcf extension. If it is the third file specified, the extension
is optional; .pcf is assumed. If a .pcf file name is specified, it must exist; otherwise, the
input design name with a .pcf extension is assumed.
Type the following syntax to see a complete list of BitGen command line options and
supported devices:
bitgen —h
BitGen Input Files
Input to BitGen comprises the following files:
• NCD file—a physical description of the design mapped, placed and routed in the
target device. The NCD file must be fully routed.
• PCF—an optional user-modifiable ASCII Physical Constraints File.
• NKY—an optional encryption key file.
For more information on encryption, see the following web site:
BitGen Output Files
Output from BitGen comprises the following files:
Table 14-1: BitGen Output Files
Output File Type Output File Description
.bgn Contains log information for the BitGen run, including
command line options, errors, and warnings. Always produced.
.bin A binary file that contains only configuration data. The .bin has
no header like the .bit file. Produced when –g Binary:Yes is
.bit A binary file that contains proprietary header information as
well as configuration data. Meant for input to other Xilinx tools,
such as PROMGen and iMPACT. Always produced unless the -
j option is specified.
.drc A design rule check (DRC) file for the design. Contains log
information or Design Rules Checker, including errors and
warnings. Always produced unless the -d option is specified.
.isc Contains the configuration data in IEEE1532 format. Produced
when -g IEEE:1532:Yes is specified.
.ll An ASCIII file that contains information on each of the nodes in
the design that can be captured for readback. The file contains
the absolute bit position in the readback stream, frame address,
frame offset, logic resource used, and name of the component in
the design. Produced when the -l option is specified.