156 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Physical Design Rule Check
DRC Syntax
The following command runs physical DRC:
[options] file_name.ncd
options can be any number of the DRC options listed in “DRC Options”. They do not need
to be listed in any particular order. Separate multiple options with spaces.
file_name is the name of the NCD file on which DRC is to be run.
DRC Input File
The input to DRC is an NCD file. The NCD file is a mapped, physical description of your
DRC Output File
The output of DRC is a TDR file. The TDR file is an ASCII formatted DRC report. The
contents of this file are determined by the command line options you specify with the DRC
DRC Options
This section describes the DRC command line options.
–e (Error Report)
The –e option produces a report containing details about errors only. No details are given
about warnings.
–o (Output file)
–o outfile_name.tdr
The –o option overrides the default output report file file_name.tdr with outfile_name.tdr.
–s (Summary Report)
The –s option produces a summary report only. The report lists the number of errors and
warnings found but does not supply any details about them.
–v (Verbose Report)
The –v option reports all warnings and errors. This is the default option for DRC.