Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 147
MAP Report (MRP) File
One way to detect the error is by running the NetGen command without using the
mapped.ngm cross-reference file.
netgen mapped.ncd –o mapped.nga
As a result, physical simulations using the mapped.nga file should detect a physical error.
However, the type of error is not always easily recognizable. To pinpoint the error, use the
FPGA Editor or call Xilinx Customer Support. In some cases, a reported error may not
really exist, and the CLB configuration is actually correct. You can use the FPGA Editor to
determine if the CLB is correctly modelled.
Finally, if both the logical and physical simulations do not discover existing errors, you
may need to use more test vectors in the simulations.
MAP Report (MRP) File
The MAP report (MRP) file is an ASCII text file that contains information about the MAP
run. The report information varies based on the device and whether you use the –detail
option (see the “–detail (Write Out Detailed MAP Report)” section).
An abbreviated MRP file is shown below—most report files are considerably larger than
the one shown. The file is divided into a number of sections, and sections appear even if
they are empty. The sections of the MRP file are as follows:
• Design Information—Shows your MAP command line, the device to which the design
has been mapped, and when the mapping was performed.
• Design Summary—Summarizes the mapper run, showing the number of errors and
warnings, and how many of the resources in the target device are used by the mapped
• Table of Contents—Lists the remaining sections of the MAP report.
• Errors—Shows any errors generated as a result of the following:
♦ Errors associated with the logical DRC tests performed at the beginning of the
mapper run. These errors do not depend on the device to which you are mapping.
♦ Errors the mapper discovers (for example, a pad is not connected to any logic, or a
bidirectional pad is placed in the design but signals only pass in one direction
through the pad). These errors may depend on the device to which you are
♦ Errors associated with the physical DRC run on the mapped design.
• Warnings—Shows any warnings generated as a result of the following:
♦ Warnings associated with the logical DRC tests performed at the beginning of the
mapper run. These warnings do not depend on the device to which you are
♦ Warnings the mapper discovers. These warnings may depend on the device to
which you are mapping.
♦ Warnings associated with the physical DRC run on the mapped design.
• Informational—Shows messages that usually do not require user intervention to
prevent a problem later in the flow. These messages contain information that may be
valuable later if problems do occur.
• Removed Logic Summary—Summarizes the number of blocks and signals removed
from the design. The section reports on these kinds of removed logic.