368 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 24: Data2MEM
Data2MEM Syntax
Use the following syntax to run Data2MEM from the command line:
-bm|bd infile.[bmm|elf|mem][options]
options can be any number of the command line options listed in the “Data2MEM Options”
section of this chapter. Options need not be listed in any order. Separate multiple options
with spaces. See the “Data2MEM Options” section of this chapter.
infile specifies the name of the input file. Use the -bm option to specify a .bmm file and the
-bd option to specify an .mem or .elf file.
Data2MEM Input and Output Files
Data2MEM uses a number of input and output files. The following figure shows the range
of files, and their input and output relationship to Data2MEM. Below is a description of
each file type, and how it is consumed or produced by Data2MEM.
Block RAM Memory Map (.bmm) files
A Block RAM Memory Map (.bmm) file is a simple text file that has a syntactic description
of how individual Block RAMs constitute a contiguous logical data space. This is a
fundamental input file that Data2MEM uses to direct the translation of data into the proper
initialization form. A .bmm file is created primarily manually; however, Data2MEM has
facilities to generate .bmm file templates that can be customized to a specific design. A
.bmm file can also be created by automated scripting means. Because a .bmm file is a
simple text file, it is directly editable. Data2MEM allows the free-form use of both slash
(//) and asterisk (/*...*/) commenting styles.
Executable and Linkable Format (.elf) files
An Executable and Linkable Format (.elf) file is a binary data file that contains an
executable CPU code image, ready for running on a CPU. ELF files are produced by
software compiler tools. Refer to the proper software tool documentation for details on
creating .elf files. Data2MEM uses .elf files as its basic data input form. Because .elf files are
binary data, they are not directly editable. Data2MEM also provides some facilities for
examining the content of .elf files.
Figure 24-1: Data2MEM Input and Output Files
updated_file.bit file.v file.vhd file.mem
file.drf file.mem file.bit file.bmm