124 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 6: NGDBuild
–modular assemble (Module Assembly)
–modular assemble -pimpath pim_directory_path
–use_pim module_name1 –use_pim module_name2 ...
This option supports current FPGA device families.
The –modular assemble option starts the final phase of the Modular Design flow. In this
“Final Assembly” phase, the team leader uses this option to create a fully expanded NGD
file that contains logic from the top-level design and each of the Physically Implemented
Modules (PIMs). The team leader then implements this NGD file.
Run this option from the top-level design directory.
If you are running the standard Modular Design flow, you do not need to use the –
pimpath option. If you do not use the –use_pim option, NGDBuild searches the PIM
directory’s subdirectories for NGO files with names that match their subdirectory. It
assembles the final design using these NGO files.
If you are running Modular Design in a Partial Assembly flow, use the –pimpath option to
specify the directory that contains the PIMs. Use the –use_pim option to identify all the
modules in the PIM directory that have been published. Be sure to use exact names of the
PIMs, including the proper spelling and capitalization. The input design file should be the
NGO file of the top-level design.
When running Modular Design in a Partial Assembly flow, you must use the –modular
assemble option with the –u option.
–modular initial (Initial Budgeting of Modular Design)
Note: This option supports current FPGA devices only.
The –modular initial option starts the first phase of the Modular Design flow. In this
“Initial Budgeting” phase, the team leader uses this option to generate an NGO and NGD
file for the top-level design with all of the instantiated modules represented as
unexpanded blocks. After running this option, the team leader sets up initial budgeting for
the design. This includes assigning top-level timing constraints and location constraints
for various resources, including each module, using the Floorplanner and Constraints
Editor tools.
You cannot use the NGD file for mapping.
Run this option from the top-level design directory. The input design file should be an
EDIF netlist or an NGC netlist from XST.