Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 349
XFLOW Flow Types
Xilinx provides the following option files for use with this flow type.
–fit (Fit a CPLD)
–fit option_file
This flow type incorporates logic from your design into physical macrocell locations in a
CPLD. It invokes the cpld.flw flow file and runs NGDBuild and CPLDfit to create a JED
Xilinx provides the following option files for use with this flow type. These files allow you
to optimize your design based on different parameters.
The following example shows how to use a combination of flow types to fit a design and
generate a VHDL timing simulation netlist for a CPLD.
xflow -p xc2c64-4-cp56 -fit balanced.opt
-tsim generic_vhdl.opt main_pcb.edn
–fsim (Create a File for Functional Simulation)
–fsim option_file
The –fsim flow type can be used alone or with the –synth flow type. It cannot be combined
with the –implement, –tsim, –fit, or –config flow types.
This flow type generates a file that can be used for functional simulation of an FPGA or
CPLD design. It invokes the fsim.flw flow file and runs NGDBuild and NetGen to create a
func_sim.edn, func_sim.v, or func_sim.vhdl file. This file contains a netlist description of
your design in terms of Xilinx simulation primitives. You can use the functional simulation
file to perform a back-end simulation with a simulator.
Table 23-5: Option Files for –ecn Flow Type
Option Files Description
conformal_verilog.opt Option file for equivalence checking
for conformal
formality_verilog.opt Option file for equivalence checking
for formality
Table 23-6: Option Files for –fit Flow Type
Option Files Description
balanced.opt Optimized for a balance between
speed and density
speed.opt Optimized for speed
density.opt Optimized for density