Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 359
XFLOW Flow Types
For example, if you want to run TRACE after MAP and again after PAR, the program
blocks for post-MAP TRACE and
post-PAR TRACE appear as follows:
Program post_map_trce
Executable: trce;
Input: <design>_map.ncd;
Exports: <design>.twr, <design>.tsi;
End Program post_map_trce
Program post_par_trce
Executable: trce;
Input: <design>.ncd;
Reports: <design>.twr, <design>.tsi;
End Program post_par_trce
Note: If your option file includes a corresponding program block, its Program line must match the
Program line in the flow file (for example, post_map_trace).
• End Program program_name
This line identifies the end of a program block. The program_name should be consistent
with the program_name specified on the line that started the program block.
User Command Blocks
To run your own programs in the flow, you can add a “user command block” to the Flow
File. The syntax for a user command block is the following:
Cmdline: <user_cmdline>;
End UserCommand
Following is an example:
Cmdline: “myscript.csh”;
End UserCommand
Note: You cannot use the asterisk (*) dollar sign ($) and parentheses ( ) characters as part of your
command line command.