122 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 6: NGDBuild
–aul (Allow Unmatched LOCs)
By default (without the –aul option), NGDBuild generates an error if the constraints
specified for pin, net, or instance names in the UCF or NCF file cannot be found in the
design. If this error occurs, an NGD file is not written. If you enter the –aul option,
NGDBuild generates a warning instead of an error for LOC constraints and writes an NGD
You may want to run NGDBuild with the –aul option if your constraints file includes
location constraints for pin, net, or instance names that have not yet been defined in the
HDL or schematic. This allows you to maintain one version of your constraints files for
both partially complete and final designs.
When using this option, make sure you do not have misspelled net or instance names in your
design. Misspelled names may cause inaccurate placing and routing.
–bm (Specify BMM Files)
-bm file_name [.bmm]
The –bm option specifies a switch for the .bmm files. If the file extension is missing, a .bmm
file extension is assumed. If this option is unspecified, the ELF or MEM root file name with
a .bmm extension is assumed. If only this option is given, then Ngdbuild verifies that the
.bmm file is syntactically correct and makes sure that the instances specified in the .bmm
file exist in the design. Only one –bm option can be used
–dd (Destination Directory)
–dd NGOoutput_directory
The –dd option specifies the directory for intermediate files (design NGO files and netlist
files). If the –dd option is not specified, files are placed in the current directory.
–f (Execute Commands File)
–f command_file
The –f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For
more information on the –f option, see “–f (Execute Commands File)” in Chapter 1.
–i (Ignore UCF File)
By default (without the –i option), NGDBuild reads the constraints in the UCF file
automatically if the UCF file in the top-level design netlist directory has the same base
name as the input design file and a .ucf extension. The –i option ignores the UCF file.
If you use this option, do not use the –uc option.