352 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 23: XFLOW
–module (Active Module Implementation)
–module option_file –active module_name
This flow type supports FPGA device families only. You cannot use NCD files from previous
software releases with Modular Design in the current release. You must generate new NCD files with
the current release of the software.
This flow type runs the second phase of the Modular Design flow. In this “Active Module
Implementation” phase, each team member creates an NGD file for his or her module,
implements the NGD file to create a Physically Implemented Module (PIM), and publishes
the PIM using the PIMCreate command line tool.
This flow type invokes the fpga.flw flow file and runs NGDBuild to create an NGD file
with just the specified “active” module expanded. This output NGD file is named after the
top-level design. XFLOW then runs MAP and PAR to create a PIM.
Then, you must run PIMCreate to publish the PIM to the PIMs directory. PIMCreate copies
the local, implemented module file, including the NGO, NGM and NCD files, to the
appropriate module directory inside the PIMs directory and renames the files to
module_name.extension. To run PIMCreate, type the following on the command line or add
it to your flow file:
pimcreate pim_directory -ncd
The working directory for this flow type should be the active module directory. You can
either run the –module flow type from the active module directory or use the –wd option
to specify this directory. This directory should include the active module netlist file and
the top-level UCF file generated during the Initial Budgeting phase. You must specify the
name of the active module after the –active option, and use the top-level NGO file as the
input design file.
Xilinx provides the following option files for use with this flow type. These files allow you
to optimize your design based on different parameters.
The following example shows how to implement a module.
xflow –p xc2v250fg256-5 –module balanced.opt
–active controller
Table 23-9: Option Files for –module Flow Type
Option Files Description
fast_runtime.opt Optimized for fastest runtimes at the
expense of design performance
Recommended for medium to slow
speed designs
balanced.opt Optimized for a balance between
speed and high effort
high_effort.opt Optimized for high effort at the
expense of longer runtimes
Recommended for designs that
operate at high speeds