Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 65
Tcl Commands for General Usage
close (close the ISE project)
The project close command closes the current ISE project. It is not necessary to specify the
name of the project to close, since only one ISE project can be open at a time.
% project close
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
close is the name of the project subcommand.
get (get project properties)
The project get command returns the value of the specified project-level property or batch
application option.
% project get <option_name|property_name>
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
get is the name of the project subcommand.
option_name specifies the name of the batch application option you wish to get the value of.
For example, Map Effort Level. Batch application options are entered as strings
distinguished by double quotes (“). The exact text representation of the option in Project
Navigator is required. For a complete list of project properties and options, see the “Project
Properties and Options” section of this chapter.
property_name specifies the name of the property you wish to get the value of. Valid
properties names are family, device, package, speed, and top.
get_processes (get project processes)
The project get_processes command lists the available processes for the specified instance.
% project get_processes [-instance <instance_name>]
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
get_processes is the name of the project subcommand.
-instance limits the properties listed to only those of the specified instance. If no instance is
specified, the top-level instance is used by default.
Example: % project close
Description: In this example, the current ISE project is closed.
Tcl Return: True if the project is closed successfully; false otherwise.
Example: % project get speed
Description: In this example, the value of the speed grade that was set with the
project set speed command is returned.
Tcl Return: The property value as a text string. In this example, the device speed
grade is returned.