Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 87
Tcl Commands for Advanced Scripting
properties is the name of the collection subcommand. There are two collection properties:
display_line_limit and display_type. These properties are supported with the collection get
and collection set commands.
See the collection get command for a list of available properties.
remove_from (remove objects from a collection)
The collection remove_from command removes objects from a specified collection,
modifying the collection in place. If you do not wish to modify the existing collection, first
use the collection copy command to create a duplicate of the collection.
% collection remove_from <collection_variable> <objects_to_remove>
collection is the name of the Xilinx TCL command.
remove_from is the name of the collection subcommand.
collection_variable specifies the name of the collection variable.
objects_to_remove specifies a collection of objects, or the name of an object that you wish to
remove from the collection.
set (set the property for all collections)
The collection set command sets the specified property for all collection variables in the
current ISE project.
% collection set <property_name> <property_value>
collection is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
set is the name of the collection subcommand.
Example: % collection properties
Description: In this example, the collection properties command is used to display a
list of available collection properties.
Tcl Return: A list of available collection properties. In this example,
display_line_limit and display_type.
% set colVar_1 [search * -type instance]
% set colVar_2 [search /stopwatch/s* -type instance]
% set colVar_3 [collection remove_from colVar_1
Description: In this example, the set command is first used to create the collection
variables colVar_1 and colVar_2. Assume that the values of these two
variables are different.
The last line of this example, creates a third collection variable,
colVar_3 that contains all of the instances in colVar_1, but no
instances in colVar_2.
Tcl Return: The original collection modified by removed elements. In this
example, the objects in colVar_2 are removed from colVar_1.