Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 351
XFLOW Flow Types
The following example shows how to use the –implement flow type:
xflow -p xc2v250fg256-5 -implement balanced.opt testclk.edf
–initial (Initial Budgeting of Modular Design)
–initial budget.opt
This flow type supports FPGA device families only.
This flow type runs the first phase of the Modular Design flow. In this “Initial Budgeting”
phase, the team leader generates an NGO and NGD file for the top-level design. The team
leader then sets up initial budgeting for the design. This includes assigning top-level
timing constraints as well as location constraints for various resources, including each
This flow type invokes the fpga.flw flow file and runs NGDBuild to create an NGO and
NGD file for the top-level design with all of the instantiated modules represented as
unexpanded blocks. After running this flow type, assign constraints for your design using
the Floorplanner and Constraints Editor tools.
You cannot use the NGD file produced by this flow for mapping.
The working directory for this flow type should be the top-level design directory. You can
either run the –initial flow type from the top-level design directory or use the –wd option
to specify this directory. The input design file should be an EDIF netlist or an NGC netlist
from XST. If you use an NGC file as your top-level design, be sure to specify the .ngc
extension as part of your design name.
Xilinx provides the budget.opt option file for use with this flow type.
The following example shows how to run initial budgeting for a modular design with a
top-level design named “top”:
xflow –p xc2v250fg256-5 –initial budget.opt
weekend.opt Multi-pass place and route (MPPR)
weekend mode
exhaustive.opt Multi-pass place and route (MPPR)
exhaustive mode
Table 23-8: Option Files for –implement Flow Type
Option Files Description