168 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 9: PAR
Detailed Listing of Options
This section describes PAR options in more detail. The listing is in alphabetical order.
–f (Execute Commands File)
–f command_file
The –f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For
more information on the –f option, see “–f (Execute Commands File)” in Chapter 1.
–gf (Guide NCD File)
–gf guide_file
The –gf option specifies the name of an NCD file (from a previous PAR run) to be used as
a guide for the current PAR run. The guide file is an NCD file which is used as a template
for placing and routing the input design. If the –gm option is not specified, the guide mode
will be exact. For more information on the guide file, see “Guided PAR”.
Support for using multiple guide files is being deprecated and will not be available in future
releases of Xilinx software.
Table 9-4: Multi Pass Place and Route (MPPR) Options
Option Function Range Default
–n iteration Number of
Placement Cost
Tables to run in
Multi Pass Place
and Route
Note: When the
value is set to 0,
PAR runs up to all
100 cost tables until
one meets timing.
0-100 One (1) place and
route run
–m nodefile_name Turns engine for
Multi Pass Place
and Route
N/A Do not run the turns
–s number_to_save Save number of
results from Multi
Pass Place and
Route (for use with
the –n option)
1-100 Saves all
–t placer_cost_table Starting Placement
Cost Table
1-100 One (Start placer at
Cost Table 1)