62 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 3: Tcl
set (set partition preserve property)
The partition set command assigns the partition preserve property and value for the
specified partition.
% partition set <partition> preserve <value>
partition is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
set is the name of the partition subcommand.
partition specifies the full hierarchical name of the partition or the collection you wish to set
the property for. A collection is specified using the dollar-sign syntax ($) with the name of
the collection variable.
preserve is the property used to control the level of changes that can be made to the
implementation of partitions that have not been re-implemented. Values for the preserve
property are:
preserve {routing|placement|synthesis|inherit}
routing -- Most data preservation comes from routing. When the property value is set
to routing, all implementation data is preserved, including synthesis, packing,
placement, and routing. Routing is the default property value.
placement --This is the second-highest property value for the preserve property. With
this setting, synthesis, packing, and placement are preserved. Routing is only re-
implemented if another partition requires the resources.
synthesis -- This is the lowest-level preserve property value because only the netlist,
which contains synthesis information, is preserved. With this setting, packing,
placement and routing are open for re-implementation; however, placement and
routing are only re-implemented if another partition requires the resources.
inherit -- This value specifies that the partition inherits the same preserve property
value as its parent partition. Inherit is the default setting for all child partitions. This
setting is not available for top-level partitions.
% partition set /stopwatch/Inst_dcm1 preserve synthesis
Description: In this example, the partition set command is used to specify the
preserve property for the Inst_dcm1 partition. The preserve value is
set to synthesis, which means packing, placement, and routing will
be re-implemented.
Tcl Return: The value of the previous preserve property.