Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 193
Turns Engine (PAR Multi-Tasking Option)
5. Stop using a node — allows you to remove a node from the list so that no job runs on
that node.
If you select Stop using a node, you must also select from the following options.
Which node do you wish to stop using?
1. jupiter
2. mars
3. mercury
Enter number identifying the node.(<CR> to ignore)
Enter the number identifying the node. If you enter a legal number, you are asked to
make a selection from this menu.
Do you wish to
1. Terminate the current job immediately and resubmit.
2. Allow the job to finish.
Enter number identifying choice. (<CR> to ignore)
The options are described as follows:
a. Terminate the current job immediately and resubmit—halts the job immediately
and sets it up again to be run on the next available node. The halted node is not
used again unless it is enabled by the add function.
b. Allow the job to finish—finishes the node’s current job, then disables the node
from running additional jobs.
The list of nodes described above is not necessarily numbered in a linear fashion.
Nodes that are disabled are not displayed. For example, if NODE2 is disabled, the next time
Stop using a node is opted, the following is displayed.
Which node do you wish to stop using?
1. jupiter
3. mercury
Enter number identifying the node. (<CR> to ignore)
6. Display current status — displays the current status of the Turns Engine. It shows the
state of nodes and the respective jobs. Here is a sample of what you would see if you
chose this option.
1. jupiter Job Running high_high_10 02:30:45
2. mars Job Running high_high_11 02:28:03
3. mercury Not Available
4. neptune Pending Term high_high_12 02:20:01