370 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 24: Data2MEM
VHDL (.vhd) files
A VHDL (.vhd) file is a simple text file that Data2MEM outputs, which contains
“bit_vector” constants to initialize Block RAMs. These constants can be used in “generic
maps” to instance an initialized Block RAM. This file is used primarily for pre-synthesis
and post-synthesis simulation. Because a .vhd file is a simple text file, it is directly editable.
However, because this file is a generated file, editing is not advised. Data2MEM allows the
free-form use of both slash (//) and asterisk (/*...*/) commenting styles.
UCF (.ucf) files
A User Constraints File (.ucf) is a simple text file that Data2MEM outputs, which contains
INST records to initialize Block RAMs. Because a .ucf file is a simple text file, it is directly
editable. However, because this file is a generated file, editing is not advised. Data2MEM
allows the free-form use of both slash (//) and asterisk (/*...*/) commenting styles.
This file type is supported for legacy workflows. Its use for new designs or workflows is
Data2MEM Options
The following table lists the Data2MEM command line options:
Table 24-1: Data2MEM Command Line Options
Option Description
–bd [tagname]
The -bd option specifies the name of the input ELF or MEM
file. If the file extension is missing, .elf is assumed. The .mem
extension must be supplied to denote a MEM file. If
TagNames are given, only the address space of the same
names within the BMM file are used for translation. All other
input file data outside of the TagName address spaces are
ignored. If no further options are specified, "-o u filename"
functionality is assumed. One or more –bd options can be
specified on the command line.
–bm filename.bmm The -bm option specifies the name of the input BMM file. If the
file extension is missing, a .bmm file extension is assumed. If
a filename is not specified, the ELF or MEM root filename with
a .bmm extension is assumed. If only this option is given, then
Data2MEM checks the syntax of the BMM file and reports any
errors. The -bm option can be specified once on the command
–bt filename The -bt option specifies the name of the input BIT file. If the
file extension is missing, .bit is assumed. If the –o option is not
specified with this option, the output BIT filename will have
the same root filename as the input BIT file, with "_rp"
appended at the end. A .bit file extension is assumed.